Dark Energy by carlsojos

Chapter 26

Hello? I push the door open leading into the old building. Nobody home. I carefully walk in, claws out. I make my way to a strange door. When I touch it, it opens into a small room. There must be more to this, right? I step in, Ray in tow. Suddenly, the doors close! I manage to keep my cool. I touch the door, and it opens again. Nothing to worry about. I notice two buttons beside the door. I push it, and the doors close again. This time, I feel a sensation of falling without leaving the floor. I look at Ray, and he seems just as nervous. Suddenly, the feeling stops and the doors open again. This isn't where we were! I push the other button. The doors close, and I feel heavier for a second before they open again. Back where we started. I push the bottom button one more time, and walk out into the new area.

I notice a faint blue glow ahead. I wonder what it is? I creep closer, and suddenly the lights ahead turn on. We seem to be on some kind of deck, overlooking a large area beneath. The blue glow was some kind of computer or terminal. I notice a couple wires were torn out of the corner and crudely tied together. Etirn was here as a kid? Ray just shrugs. I do believe we are currently alone.

I look around and indeed see no sign of any disturbance here in years. I guess this is a good time to try out this radio thing. I fumble with it until I find a button on it, and press it. Outerbeast 4 calling Outerbeast 1. Etirn?

I almost don't hear the response. ...lo?

I have a weak signal. Where are you?

..st...outh....rup......be th...soon. .......smi..on. This thing doesn't seem to work as well as Boss seemed to believe.

In a few minutes, the door we entered opened, and Etirn strode in. Long time no see, Etirn.

Etirn nods at me, then turns to the hunter. Long time no smell, Blades.

Just shut up and pay me. Etirn reaches into a pants pocket and produces some coins.

Here you go, but how 'bout an extra 300 for another little tag along job?

Nice day to you, too, sir! I'm almost stunned at how fast Ray's mood changed.

Etirn smiled, I knew you'd like a little fun!

I wonder why we're here. What's the plan?

Etirn gets back to business. I talked a History professor into giving me a summary of Professor Mahley's book. I assume the one I'd been reading recently. Apparently, the only ones still in open circulation are Parmanian translations of the native Motavian translations of the original Parmanian manuscript. In it, he talked about interviewing a friend of his, named 'Fal.' The physical description he gave was a woman, who supposedly ages faster than most, with pink hair, and some strange thing that seems to translate as 'fun ears.' I touch my ear with my hand. I wonder if there's a connection? Dora might've been right after all, but then we don't understand something here. But more important to us, during that interview, the two talked about several Pre-Collapse systems she toured through with mutual friends. Not just Motavia, but all of Algo. I can't help but contemplate the possibility of being related to this Fal...?

You okay, Marika? I notice that Etirn looked concerned at me.

Wh-? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking.

Ray spoke up. You should've seen Boss Dick when Marika asked about that little toy like you said.

Yeah, he tends to be an asshole when I break the rules. It's part of the fun, I'm afraid. Anyway, we're here because we need to get waterborne. Fal talked about a facility called 'Vahal Fort,' and based on her description, nothing bad happens to the planet if I screw up royally in there. I think.

I look up. Well, wild guesses have gotten us this far down the trail, why quit now?

That's the spirit! Let's see what we have for boats. Etirn walks up to the blue screen and starts playing. Just as I left it... Suddenly, a loud groaning sound echoes throughout the building. The floor down below starts moving. When it stops, a huge machine bigger than a classroom is directly below us. I find the sleek lines of its shape quite strange, almost beautiful...

I've never seen anything like this....

....And you never should again. I don't recognize the voice.

Who's there? Ray sounds agitated. I turn around to see a large man, about 6 and a half feet tall, wearing a black business suit.

DON'T FUCKING MOVE! Etirn pulls his weapon out and points it at the stranger.

The man looks at me. A hunter with more debt than drinks to his name. An egotistical outcast with a penchant for abusing the mission-critical facilities of Algo. You sure pick strange companions.

Who are you?! I don't understand what he wants! He takes a step towards me. I step back, and trip on something, falling to the floor. Why am I so scared?

ONE MORE STEP IS YOUR DEATH! Etirn sounds like a cornered wolf.

The man keeps talking at me. Descendant of Rika, and Descendant of Chaz. The blood of two heroes course through your veins, but you should know that playing with what you don't understand can prove dangerous to your health. Etirn's weapon erupts at our opponent. I see something bounce off the man's stomach. Through the torn cloth, I can see the skin underneath is unbroken. How do we fight something that can't die?

Ray pulls a sword and lands a hard blow on the person's back. It simply bounces off, the blade clearly chinked by the impact. What the hell?!

The man seems unphased by the attacks. You should go to Dezolis. An Esper will need your help, and you will need an ally. The darkness was destroyed, but its ashes continue to rain down. Remember your task, Descendant of heroes. The man walks into a shadow. Etirn charges after him, but runs into a solid wall. I feel myself starting to fall out of the world...

Marika! someone runs to me. Ray, do you know Ryuka?

Yeah. I try to force myself to stay awake. I think someone's looking through my pockets.

Get us to Krup, now! I feel a small prick on my arm. I eventually realize that we're outside a small town.

I feel my mind clear enough to stand up. Whoa, that wasn't a good idea... I almost fall back down. Easy. You only had an adrenaline shot. I notice Ray grab my arm and put it over his shoulder to help me walk. We make our way into town.

A young man was tending to a small garden just across the footbridge. Welcome to...Etirn?! His expression turns unpleasant. I thought we told you to never-

We keep walking. Not now, it's an emergency.

The man runs in front of us. We said NEVER return! Even though I'm still shaken up, what happens next scares me even further.

Etirn grabs the guy and throws him to the ground. IT'S A FUCKING EMERGENCY! Etirn puts a boot on the man's chest and pulls out his weapon. Despite that nothing else in the world looks like the firearm, the guy clearly knew it was dangerous. Nobody moved for the longest time. Finally, Etirn put it away. Sorry, but I have urgent business now. I trust you will find me later. We go to the Bay residence.

Etirn's mom answered the door. ...Etirn? By Light, you've grown! she looks at me. What happened to her?!

She's gone into mental shock. I used some adrenaline to keep her mobile, but I need a room for her to rest.

She can use your old room. Ray starts moving me towards a door. I'm starting to have tunnel vision. Why did you return, Etirn?

This is the closest place.... I know Etirn said more, but I just blacked out.

Next chapter

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