Phantasy Star IV
Characters and NPC
Characters - information about all of the main characters, those who play a minor role during your quest the location and the job of the them is shown.
- Motavia map - Large map of the planet Motavia.
- Dezolis map - Planet map of ice planet, Dezolis.
- Rykros map - Map of the mysterious hidden planet, Rykros.
Towns - List of all the towns with town maps, list of shops and items sold there and more...
Dungeons - Maps of all the dungeons found in Phantasy Star IV.
Enemies - Unlike in Phantasy Star I, where only a single enemy type could confront you, in Phantasy Star IV you often will run into different kinds of monsters at the same time. Here is a list with animated GIFs and information on all the monsters found in PSIV.
Motavian battle backgrounds - In here, you can find a collection of backgrounds used in battle scenes in PSIV. These are the battle backgrounds on Motavia.
Walkthrough and FAQ
- FAQ - Probably all questions get answered in this FAQ.
- FAQ/Walkthrough - The best character technique explanation FAQ, and walkthrough.
- FAQ/Walkthrough (2) - Another very good FAQ with a lot of answers.
- Walkthrough - Very long walkthrough, but a good one.
- Shop guide - If you need a shop guide, this is it.
- End of game - The best ways to kill the Profound Darkness.
- Item charts - The name says it all.
- Hacking guide - The save state hacking guide.
Hints and codes
- Hints - Several hints for PSIV.
- Game Genie codes - Finally, here are Game Genie codes for PSIV.
- Pro Action Replay codes - Pro Action Replay Codes for PSIV.
English translation prototypes - Information on and script of the English translation prototypes that were leaked.