Phantasy Star Online Items

Monomate iconMonomateHP recovery50 MesetaHealth recovery fluid. Restores 70 HP.
Dimate iconDimateHP recovery300 MesetaHealth recovery fluid. Restores 200 HP.
Trimate iconTrimateHP recovery2000 MesetaHealth recovery fluid. Completely restores HP.
Monofluid iconMonofluidTP recovery100 MesetaTP recovery fluid. Restores 70 TP.
Difluid iconDifluidTP recovery500 MesetaTP recovery fluid. Restores 200 TP.
Trifluid iconTrifluidTP recovery3600 MesetaTP recovery fluid. Completely restores TP.
Antidote iconAntidoteStatus recovery60 MesetaNeutralizes poison in the body.
Antiparalysis iconAntiparalysisStatus recovery60 MesetaRemoves paralysis from the body.
Sol Atomizer iconSol AtomizerStatus recovery300 Meseta?
Moon Atomizer iconMoon AtomizerRevival350 MesetaRevives a fallen teammate.
Star Atomizer iconStar AtomizerHP recovery5000 MesetaThe ultimate recovery item that completely restores your HP and any nearby teammates' HP.
Telepipe iconTelepipeAuxiliary100 MesetaTemporarily creates a teleport gate to the city. All teammates can use it, until the creator returns through it.
Trap Vision iconTrap VisionAuxiliary100 MesetaReveals traps that are hidden in rooms.
No pictureScapeDollRevival?If the holder dies, the doll will die instead, restoring HP and TP. Disappears after one use.
No pictureMonogrinderBooster1000 MesetaRaises the attack value of equipped weapons by 1. No effect if a weapon is already upgraded to the maximum limit.
No pictureDigrinderBoosterN/ARaises the attack value of equipped weapons by 2. No effect if a weapon is already upgraded to the maximum limit.
No pictureTrigrinderBoosterN/ARaises the attack value of equipped weapons by 3. No effect if a weapon is already upgraded to the maximum limit.

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