Phantasy Star Online Mags

Baby Mags

Other than boosting stats, they don't have any abilities.


First stage evolution Mags

After having evolved once, they learn their first Photon Blast, and can now store photon that can be released as a Photon Blast when charged enough. They're now also able to help you when the Photon Blast bar is full, and when entering a boss chamber.

MagNameChartPB Bar FullBoss
VarunaVaruna#2InvulnerableShifta & Deband
KalkiKalki#2InvulnerableShifta & Deband

Second stage evolution Mags

The second Photon Blast is learned, and they now also help you when you're low on HP.

MagNamePBChartPB Bar Full1-10 HPBoss
AshvinauAshvinauPilla#3InvulnerableShifta & DebandN/A
MarutahMarutahPilla#3InvulnerableShifta & DebandN/A
MitraMitraPilla#4InvulnerableShifta & DebandN/A
RudraRudraGolla#3InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
SumbaSumbaGolla#3InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
SuryaSuryaGolla#4InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband

Third stage evolution Mags

Finally, the third Photon Blast is learned, as well as Reverser, which is used on your character when he/she dies.

MagNamePBChartPB Bar Full1-10 HPBoss
AndhakaAndhakaEstlla#7InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
BhiravaBhiravaPilla#5InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
GarudaGarudaPilla#6N/AShifta & DebandResta
IlaIlaMylla&Youlla#6N/AShifta & DebandResta
KabandaKabandaMylla&Youlla#7InvulnerableShifta & DebandShifta & Deband
KaitabhaKaitabhaMylla&Youlla#5InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
KamaKamaPilla#5N/AShifta & DebandShifta & Deband
MadhuMadhuMylla&Youlla#7InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
MaricaMaricaPilla#7InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
NagaNagaMylla&Youlla#7N/AShifta & DebandShifta & Deband
RavanaRavanaFarlla#7InvulnerableShifta & DebandShifta & Deband
SitaSitaPilla#6InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
UshasuUshasuGolla#5InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
GollaVarahaGolla#5InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband
YaksaYaksaGolla#6InvulnerableRestaShifta & Deband

Fourth stage evolution Mags (new in Episode I & II)

NamePB Bar Full1-10 HPBoss
BhimaShifta & DebandInvulnerableInvulnerable
DevaShifta & DebandRestaShifta & Deband
DiwariShifta & DebandRestaShifta & Deband
PushanShifta & DebandRestaShifta & Deband
RatiShifta & DebandRestaShifta & Deband
RukminShifta & DebandRestaShifta & Deband
SavitriShifta & DebandRestaShifta & Deband

Second stage evolution requirements

AshvinauForceA&BDEX > POW & MIND | DEF < 45
MarutahHunterA&BDEX > POW & MIND | DEF < 45
MitraRangerA&BDEX > POW & MIND | DEF < 45
NamuciForceA&BMIND > POW & DEX | DEF < 45
RudraHunterA&BPOW > MIND & DEX | DEF < 45
SumbaForceA&BPOW > DEX & MIND | DEF < 45
SuryaRangerA&BPOW > DEX & MIND | DEF < 45
TapasRangerA&BMIND > POW & DEX | DEF < 45
VayuHunterA&BMIND > POW & DEX | DEF < 45

Third stage evolution requirements

AndhakaForceA & BPOW > DEX & MIND | DEF > 44
ApsarasHunterBPOW > MIND > DEX | DEF < 45
RangerAMIND > DEX > POW | DEF < 45
BanaHunterBMIND > POW > DEX | DEF < 45
ForceAMIND > DEX & POW | DEF > 44
ForceADEX > MIND & POW | DEF > 44
BhiravaHunterAPOW > MIND > DEX | DEF < 45
RangerAPOW > MIND > DEX | DEF < 45
RangerADEX > POW > MIND | DEF < 45
ForceBDEX > MIND > POW | DEF < 45
DurgaRangerBMIND > DEX > POW | DEF < 45
GarudaHunterBDEX > POW > MIND | DEF < 45
ForceBDEX > MIND > POW | DEF < 45
IlaHunterADEX > POW > MIND | DEF < 45
ForceBMIND > DEX > POW | DEF < 45
KabandaHunterAMIND > POW > DEX | DEF < 45
ForceAMIND > DEX > POW | DEF < 45
KaitabhaHunterAPOW > DEX > MIND | DEF < 45
RangerAMIND > POW > DEX | DEF < 45
KamaHunterBPOW > MIND > DEX | DEF < 45
RangerBDEX > POW > MIND | DEF < 45
KumaraForceBMIND > POW > DEX | DEF < 45
MadhuRangerBPOW > DEX > MIND | DEF < 45
MaricaForceBPOW > DEX > MIND | DEF < 45
NagaForceBPOW > MIND > DEX | DEF < 45
NandinHunterADEX > MIND > POW | DEF < 45
NarakaForceAPOW > DEX > MIND | DEF < 45
RavanaForceAPOW > MIND > DEX | DEF < 45
RibhavaForceADEX > POW > MIND | DEF < 45
SitaForceADEX > MIND > POW | DEF < 45
SomaHunterBMIND > DEX > POW | DEF < 45
UshasuHunterAMIND > DEX > POW | DEF < 45
VarahaHunterAPOW > DEX > MIND | DEF < 45
RangerAMIND > POW > DEX | DEF < 45
YaksaHunterADEX > MIND > POW | DEF < 45

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