Japanese name | English name | Description |
脅迫状 | Blackmail | Rascals letter to Darum |
コンテナのカギ | Container Key | Key needed to open four treasures of Shure |
ダイナマイト | Dynamite | Opens closed doors in Nido and Biosystems Lab |
システムレコーダー | System Recorder | The governor-general needs this data device from the Biosystems Lab |
チューブキー | Tube Key | Opens West Bridge to Zema and Kueri |
幸福の指輪 | Happiness Ring | Given to you by Inos in Zema, give it to Nanette in Kueri |
ナネットの手紙 | Nanette's Letter | Letter addressed to Inos in Zema |
マルエラベリー | Maruera Berry | Sweets for a Motavian native in Kueri |
モタビアンリング | Motavian Ring | Needed to talk to Motavians |
ポリメテラール | Polymithril | Dissolves all metal but Laconian Steel |
マルエラリーブ | Maruera Leaf | Leaf taken from the Maruera Plant |
マルエラガム | Maruera Gum | Chew it and you can breathe even under water |
ビジフォン | Visiphone | Save your adventure anywhere (stolen by Shilka) |
メインキー | Main Key | Locks up the keyboard of the control tower |
電子K譜 | EMS | Electronic Musical Score for the organ inside Control Tower |
レッドカード | Red Card | Card Key to enter and to open the Red Dam |
イエローカード | Yellow Card | Card Key to enter and to open the Yellow Dam |
ブルーカード | Blue Card | Card Key to enter and to open the Blue Dam |
グリーンカード | Green Card | Card Key to enter and to open the Green Dam |
プラズマリング | Plasma Ring | Prison device |
黄金の石 | Golden Stone | Strength Potion ingredient |
ちから・もりもりん | Strength Potion | Strength will be doubled if carried |
エアロプリズム | Aeroprism | Needed to see the invisible |