Phantasy Star Generation 2 Quest Items

Japanese nameEnglish nameDescription
脅迫状BlackmailRascals letter to Darum
コンテナのカギContainer KeyKey needed to open four treasures of Shure
ダイナマイトDynamiteOpens closed doors in Nido and Biosystems Lab
システムレコーダーSystem RecorderThe governor-general needs this data device from the Biosystems Lab
チューブキーTube KeyOpens West Bridge to Zema and Kueri
幸福の指輪Happiness RingGiven to you by Inos in Zema, give it to Nanette in Kueri
ナネットの手紙Nanette's LetterLetter addressed to Inos in Zema
マルエラベリーMaruera BerrySweets for a Motavian native in Kueri
モタビアンリングMotavian RingNeeded to talk to Motavians
ポリメテラールPolymithrilDissolves all metal but Laconian Steel
マルエラリーブMaruera LeafLeaf taken from the Maruera Plant
マルエラガムMaruera GumChew it and you can breathe even under water
ビジフォンVisiphoneSave your adventure anywhere (stolen by Shilka)
メインキーMain KeyLocks up the keyboard of the control tower
電子K譜EMSElectronic Musical Score for the organ inside Control Tower
レッドカードRed CardCard Key to enter and to open the Red Dam
イエローカードYellow CardCard Key to enter and to open the Yellow Dam
ブルーカードBlue CardCard Key to enter and to open the Blue Dam
グリーンカードGreen CardCard Key to enter and to open the Green Dam
プラズマリングPlasma RingPrison device
黄金の石Golden StoneStrength Potion ingredient
ちから・もりもりんStrength PotionStrength will be doubled if carried
エアロプリズムAeroprismNeeded to see the invisible

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