Phantasy Star

- Dezoris map - Planet map of ice planet, Dezoris.
- Palma map - The home planet of Alis Landale.
- Motavia map - Map of desert planet Motavia.
Towns/Villages - List of all the towns with town maps, list of shops, items sold there and more...
Dungeons - Maps of all the dungeons found in Phantasy Star.
Enemies - List of all the enemies you will fight against in Phantasy Star. You will find a lot of personal information about the enemies.
Items - All items that can be bought or found in the Algol Star System are presented.
Walkthrough and FAQ

- Walkthrough - The best walkthrough for the game with images.
- FAQ/Walkthrough - Information about items, locations...
- FAQ/Walkthrough (2) - Most questions get answered here.
- FAQ - Many answers here too.
- Walkthrough (2) - A text-based walkthrough.
- Monster List - A FAQ about the monsters in PSI.