Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby darkwraith007 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:57 am

PSCave shout out:

February of 2014 but still, it happened. Maybe if enough people poke the guy they might be willing to do an updated video with the new retranslation ;)
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby Kirtas » Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:04 pm


In version 2.10 has a problem with the party's sprites, the sprites becoming corrupted after battles, when you enter a fighting scenario (when you fight an enemy) while playing from HDD and SMB (OPL_974_Daily Build)


Is there any way to fix it, and will it be ever fixed?
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby SandyLandale » Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:06 am

Hi, we're aware of this. It should hopefully be fixed in early 2017; our hacker, Tryphon, busied himself with another project at the end of 2016. Would you be willing to test v2.20 for us and ensure that the problem is fixed when it is?
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby Kirtas » Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:08 pm

SandyLandale wrote:Hi, we're aware of this. It should hopefully be fixed in early 2017; our hacker, Tryphon, busied himself with another project at the end of 2016. Would you be willing to test v2.20 for us and ensure that the problem is fixed when it is?
Yes, I would like to participate in testing version v2.20
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby SandyLandale » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:12 am

Alright, thank you kindly. I'll be contacting you once Tryphon has compiled the v2.20 beta. :) We'll be in touch.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby chi89333 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:17 am


Was playing with the 2.10 Lutz version on emulator PCSX2 1.40 and encountered these two issues,

a) i only had 4397 mesetas when i needed to buy the space shuttle from Dr Lunevo (which costs 5000 mesetas) and he sold it to me without telling me i dun have enough mesetas .

b) after the first visit to the Governor at Paseo , Motavia the key item shortcake disappears and during my first replay i was stuck before the finale dungeon due the robobutler wants a shortcake from me. I replayed the 2nd time , the same thing happens and i repurchased a 2nd shortcake at 280 mesetas, this time i was able to reach the finale dungeon and clear the game.

Are these bugs in the game?

Edit, the meseta about Dr luveno 's spaceship i have to test on a third playthrough to double confirm it. With regards to the shortcake issue, i did encounter it twice ,no harm in trying a third time round.
Last edited by chi89333 on Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby pelvicthrustman » Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:32 pm


When 2.20 beta becomes available please let me know and I will also test on real hardware.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby SandyLandale » Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:10 am

I should probably comment on these.

- I'll have to test the meseta thing with Dr. Luveno. Hopefully I still have some tester saves around...
- Not sure on the Shortcake issue. I wish I could help. It sounds like it might be a bug in the original game?

Edit 1 - I have 4,790 MST right now and Luveno won't accept that. Are you sure you had 4,397 MST?

Edit 2 - I sold some equipment and wound up with 5,090 MST. He took all of it and I was left with 90 MST. So I'm not sure what's going on there for you.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby johnretroreload » Thu Mar 29, 2018 8:22 pm

2.20 beta update? Can I assist at all?
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby SandyLandale » Fri Mar 30, 2018 4:59 pm

I'll put you on the list in case it ever comes out, but we're mostly interested in people who can play the game on a real PS2. It doesn't look like v2.20 will be coming though unfortunately.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby MHzBurglar » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:26 pm

Sorry for the quasi-Necropost, but I wanted to provide some information about the world map graphical glitches found when playing on real hardware.

The glitches aren't actually a problem with the translation patch, but rather an incompatibility with both OP2L and HD Loader, the two programs used to run games from the PS2 hard drive/USB storage on softmodded PS2 systems. The unmodified Japanese version of the game has the same issues when run using this method.

I managed to get the translated version running perfectly glitch-free on my real PS2 hardware by burning it to disc and running it using ESR. It's not as straightforward of a process, but it does work.

To get a burned copy of the game working using ESR, you have to first convert the ISO from a CD filesystem to a UDF DVD filesystem, as ESR is only able to boot DVDs. After converting the ISO, you need to add a 1.4 GB dummy file to the disc, as DVD-based PS2 games supposedly don't boot unless there's at least 1.4 GB of data on the disc and Phantasy Star Generation 1 is only about 60 MB in size. After adding the dummy file to the ISO, run the ESR patcher program to patch the ISO for ESR compatibility and burn to disc. Run ESR on your softmodded PS2 to boot the game from disc.

There's detailed guides on how to do the CD to DVD conversion available with a quick Google search; I wasn't sure if I'd be allowed to post a link to the guide here, as it's on the forums of a ROM site and I'd hate to get modded/banned on my first post.

To save everyone who wants to play on real hardware the work, I'd be willing to create an XDelta patch to turn the CD ISO into an ESR-ready DVD ISO if you guys want.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby SandyLandale » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:40 am

Wait, hang on--you're saying that even in the unpatched Japanese version, overworld characters turn into Tyrone's ass and stuff because of the CD format? And you for sure tested it out with v2.10 where the font is slimmer and the characters are Alisa, Tyrone, Lutz, and Myau, right? Holy crap. I never knew that this was the problem all this time...

This... helps us out a lot, actually. Because I swear to god, Tryphon isolated the problem with crashes in PSG:2. If we could just get word out about this problem with PSG:1, and fix that crashing bug in PSG:2, we could at least get emergency fixes out until we can get a reliable coder.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby MHzBurglar » Fri Jun 29, 2018 1:36 am

SandyLandale wrote:Wait, hang on--you're saying that even in the unpatched Japanese version, overworld characters turn into Tyrone's ass and stuff because of the CD format?

Parts of Tyrone's ass, Myau's head, and other mis-coloured sprite pieces from event scenes. Yes, the unpatched Japanese version behaves exactly the same as the patched version when you try to play it from your hard drive/USB memory on a softmodded PS2. It's not so much the game being on CD that's the issue, but rather it's a bug in the way the software used to load games from HDD/USB is reading the image file; it's pulling sprites from the wrong place in the disc/image. So it's not an issue with the translation at all; the OPL2 and HDDloader programs themselves have a minor incompatibility with all versions of PS: Generation 1.

When you use ESR and run the game from disc, the PS2 is reading everything natively using its own DVD drive to do the seeks/reads, and the issue goes away. All ESR does is bypass the copy protection and boot the (patched) disc; the PS2 itself does the rest.

The whole CD/DVD conversion thing is just a workaround to get the disc to load through ESR as it can only boot games from DVD.

And you for sure tested it out with v2.10 where the font is slimmer and the characters are Alisa, Tyrone, Lutz, and Myau, right?

Absolutely correct. It's version 2.10, with the Japanese names (no Odin or Noah, no abbreviations) downloaded from this very website.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby SandyLandale » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:27 pm

I still need to work out instructions and getting the converted game on the site. I'm not sure when it's going to happen; there's a lot on my plate right now. But I did at least try one last time to email Tryphon, just to let him know that there never was a bug in PSG:1. I don't think I'll get a response, though.
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Re: Phantasy Star Generation:1 English translation project

Postby Zarper » Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:43 am

Why are the distributed images in the downloads section these Frankenstein "ISO" images instead of proper ones, and how much do you have to play to get the graphics glitches on real hardware?

I'm level 10 and gotten to Eppi and havn't seen any glitches with OPL from hard drive.
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