by Kyence » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:30 am
Thanks, everyone!
Spookeydonkey, there is quite a bit of text to translate. I would definitely love some help with it!
Black Sword, the images are also compressed;I can decompress them,but since they are stored collectively in a.DAT file,I can't seem to visualize them separately.I did some trial and error with the pointers, but I can't find the menu and battle icons with Japanese letters on them; I have also had no luck attempting to splice the hex code into a plain black bitmap to at least see the image. Ideally I would like to edit these with English and reinsert them uncompressed at this point. This will likely be done after the text translation is completed.
Dreamer, thanks! The reasons I chose all caps were both aesthetic and alphabet issues. I had originally tried using the lowercase letters,but since they used a fixed amount of space for both upper- and lower-case letters, the lower-case letters look very spread apart and it was distracting to me. I also realized that in the English font the programmers included in the game had omitted some small letters:j, q, w, x. Most of them I could live without, but not even being about to write "swd" made me decide to do the all caps route. I had not intended to make a new font table when I first started out,until I realized that the monster names have a separate font that only has four letters (ABCD),so that will be needed anyway for them...
Would it be worth delaying the text encoding for a few months until I develop a main font with wider lowercase letters? Since lower-case letters have a separate hex code,it would be prudent to wait if lowercase was decided upon. Since this is a translation meant for all of us,I'd like to know what you guys think.
Thanks again!